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Wooden mannequin seized by a hand_edited

Assault, Battery, Stalking, Culpable Negligence, and Violation of Injunctions

Image by Mae Dulay

Traffic Offenses

Fleeing To Elude, 

Racing, Reckless Driving


Sex Crimes

Image by Gianluca Cinnante


of Criminal Record

maxim-hopman-PEJHULxUHZs-unsplash (2).jpg

Violent Crimes, Homicide, Murder and Manslaughter

Image by Max Fleischmann

Driving Under The Influence

Image by Sasun Bughdaryan

Theft Crimes

Image by Harry Shelton

Violation of Probation

Image by Sandy Millar

Domestic Violence

Image by Eyasu Etsub

Burglary Trespass

Image by Rock Staar

Robbery with a Firearm


Juvenile Offenses

Image by Alexander Grey

Drug Offenses, Drug Trafficking, possession of Controlled Substance

Image by Jay Rembert

Weapons Offenses

Dollar bill roll_edited.png


Unlocked old fashioned

Kidnapping False


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